Où louer un VAE (Vélo à Assistance Électrique) à Clermont-Ferrand ? | Reebike, votre solution idéale
Find out where to rent an electric bike in Clermont-Ferrand. Try Reebike, the simple and economical alternative to transform your bike into an e-bike.
Votre vélo est-il compatible avec la roue Cosmopolit ? Découvrez comment l'installer facilement !
Transform your bike into an electric bike with the Reebike Cosmopolit kit! Find out if your bike is compatible by checking a few key points for an easy and efficient installation. Switch to electric assistance with ease!
Mon kit Reebike ne se connecte pas à l’application : Solutions faciles 😊
If you have recently invested in a Reebike kit to transform your bike into a high-performance electric model, connecting your kit to the Reebike mobile app is a crucial step to take full advantage of its features. However, it can...
Que faire en cas de crevaison sur votre vélo électrique équipé du kit Reebike ?
Have you had a flat tire on your Reebike electric bike? Don't panic! Discover our tips for easily repairing a flat tire, maintaining your tires, and avoiding having to change the wheel. Keep your electric bike in perfect condition with simple and effective tips.
Compatibilité des freins avec les kits électrique de conversion
Find out how to easily install your Reebike kit with the different braking systems. Rim brakes, disc brakes or Vbrake, our guide helps you electrify your bike with ease!
Quelle taille de roue est compatible avec les kits Reebike ?
Learn how to choose the ideal wheel size for your bike. Whether it's a road bike, mountain bike or folding bike, learn how to identify the perfect size for optimal comfort and increased performance.

Our electrification kits